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We are seeking not simply an ala-carte menu for our own needs but a collective awareness- a relationship beyond the needs of self and a community which, while attentive to each individual, seeks to nurture a common mind which listens to all voices and the urgent needs of the world in which we live.

St Martin-in-the-Fields from oil painting by Nick Hedderly

The Nazareth Community

Silence, Sacrament, Service, Scripture, Sharing, Sabbath and Staying With

The Nazareth Community is a community that gathers at St Martin-in-the-Fields on the edge of Trafalgar Square, seeking God in contemplation and prayer and learning to live generously and compassionately. It follows a simple seven-fold contemporary rule of life.

The Companions of Nazareth follow the same contemporary rule of life but come from all parts of the country and world and gather online for times of prayer and contemplation and each year for retreats.


St Martin-in-the-Fields is the Mother House of the Community, where all are welcome.


© 2024 The Nazareth Community

The words, teachings and meditations on this website, unless otherwise indicated, are written by Richard Carter

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