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Trellis of Leadership

The Nazareth Community      


The Protector  The Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Leader of the Nazareth Community

The Assistant Leader

The Aspirant and Novice Guide

The Chaplain

The Steward:  Assists with the administration and finances of the community

The Companions of Nazareth

The Protector  The Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Leader of the Companions of Nazareth


The Assistant Leader of Companions who may also be the leader of the Nazareth Community

The Membership Guide

The Chaplain

The Visiting Guide for both communities:  

The Visiting Guide is a Bishop, Abbot or Superior or Religious chosen for this role. The Visiting Guide can be called upon to provide wisdom, guidance or advice for the Community, and will try to visit the Communities each year either online or at St Martin's.

The Founder of the Nazareth Community:

The Founder of the Community, when no longer leader, can continue as a member of the Community, serving the new leadership faithfully. They can be called upon when needed for retreats, advice, teaching, writing and spiritual guidance and to help the vision of the Community to flourish.

The Nazareth Holding Group      


  • The Leaders of the Communities

  • The Assistant Leaders

  • The Novice Guide

  • The Chaplain

  • A Member of the Nazareth Community

  • A Member of the Companions of Nazareth

  • The Steward

The Nazareth Holding Group meets four times a year.

The Nazareth Community Discernment Group

The Nazareth Discernment Group consists of the Leader of the Community and five members chosen by the leader, which includes:

  • The Assistant Leader

  • The Novice Guide

  • The Chaplain

And seven members of the Community chosen in the following way:

  • The Community can nominate a member for the discernment group. Anyone from the Community who has taken their promises can be nominated or nominate themselves.

  • Those nominated are asked if they wish to stand and if they agree, their names are put in to a basket. A period of prayer follows and then the youngest member of the Community will take seven names from the basket, and hand them to the Leader to read out. Those names read will be members of the Discernment Group for two years unless they request to step down, at which point a similar process will be followed. 

  • This process follows the pattern of the first apostles when they chose Matthias to be the twelfth apostle and ensures there is no competition or rivalry and recognises that all members of the Nazareth Community are equal with their own gifts to offer.

When nominating those for the Discernment Group, the Community aims to reflect the diversity of the whole Community. 

The Nazareth Community Discernment Group meet two times a year.

The Companions Discernment Group


The Nazareth Companions Discernment Group meet two times a year and consists of the Leader of the Companions and five members chosen by the leader, which includes:

  • The Assistant Leader

  • The Membership Guide

  • The Chaplain

The process for choosing new members of the Companions Discernment Group will mirror that of the Nazareth Discernment Group above. Each person serves for two years. If they wish to step down in that time, a similar process will be repeated.

© 2024 The Nazareth Community

The words, teachings and meditations on this website, unless otherwise indicated, are written by Richard Carter

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