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Recordings of Special Events

The Passion of Our Lord

Sunday 24 March, 2024

Performed by members of St Martin-in-the-Fields, The Nazareth Community, and the International Group, with Djavan van de Fliert as Jesus,  Freya Turton as Mary Magdelene. Written and directed by Richard Carter from the four Gospel accounts with music directed and playted by Jonathan Still.  

Bread for the World

Wednesday 13 September, 2023

Bread for the World with renewal of vows and book launch of Letters from Nazareth: A Contemplative Journey Home by Richard Carter.

Sermon on the Mount

Sunday 7 August, 2022

A sermon on the Mount of the Beatitudes, Galilee, by Revd Richard Carter.

© 2024 The Nazareth Community

The words, teachings and meditations on this website, unless otherwise indicated, are written by Richard Carter

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